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Levelling Up Blog Co Production

Levelling up doing what it’s set out to do

The social challenges facing communities are complex! And now we’ve been given permission to connect with our local communities, and partner with them to help solve local problems. This is what we’ve been waiting for. Our sleeves are rolled up and we’re ready to start unpicking the complexities of our communities’ social challenges and to work with them to problem solve. Hallelujah!

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Digital Outcomes and Specialists 6 Announcement

Framework Announcement - Digital Outcomes and Specialists 6

Its never been easier to access our services!

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Delivering At Pace Blog Image

Delivering at pace is as easy as ABC... and D... and E...

The public sector isn’t known for it’s rapid delivery of, well, anything. This unfair perception was turned on its head during the pandemic when public services demonstrated what we can really do. We delivered financial support to businesses, food to residents, and we tested and traced millions of people. We did all this pretty flipping quickly.

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for blog

We often hear about co-production – it is often talked about, but less often done well.

Organisations often know that the idea of people shaping services is the path to long term change, but are not always sure how to go about it. They may try to adopt semi-collaborative approaches, but fall short of true co-production. Or they may even be too fearful to try at all!

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How are budget pressures affecting current project plans cover image

How are budget pressures impacting current project plans?

Recently, the Local Government Chronicle highlighted that “Top tier councils expect at least £1.7bn in additional budget pressures from spiralling inflation. London’s 32 boroughs are facing £400m of pressures on top of what was already planned for when budgets were set in April. Municipal authorities are looking at £570m and counties £729m totalling at least £1.7bn of additional costs in all".

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Conflicting Objectives Thumbnail

Conflicting objectives won’t impact stakeholders’ needs if you follow three straightforward steps

With the mass influx of grant funding, it is unsurprising that you are faced with conflicting objectives that impact on your ability to prioritise activities and projects efficiently to meet stakeholder needs. The sheer speed at which you are being asked to respond to change leaves little room for strategic and carefully planned activities and can often create barriers in communication, until you get a grip on what needs to be done, and how.

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Capacity & Overwhelm Thumbnail

How to Tackle Overwhelm and Capacity Issues

Our Managing Director, Lucy Trueman, shares some ideas on how to tackle capacity issues in order to alleviate the overwhelm so many are feeling right now within the public sector. Having to contend with issues such as the pandemic, spiralling cost of living and refugee crises on top of the day job has created a massive amount of stress.

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Grant Fund Management - How to Implementing Grant Funding Effectively

How to Implement Grant Funding Effectively

Our Change Manager Sarah gives a rundown of how we have helped our clients effectively implement their grant funding to maximise the benefits for their residents.

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Change Chat Taking Action Thumbnail

Change Chat- Taking Action - Driving and Implementing Change at Pace

Gone are the days of accepting that change programmes take years to deliver. A key learning from organisations who led change during the pandemic was around taking action quickly and driving change at pace. What can we learn from this going forward?

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Building Relationships With Residents Blog

Building a Healthy Relationship with Residents

Local government has what many businesses envy: a ready-made customer base and no competition. If you want to change your local government supplier, you have to move. Knowing this, historically, our relationship with residents has been formal, distanced and passive.

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We Love Working In LG Blog 4

Why do we love working with Local Government?

At Trueman Change, we’re all about guiding and supporting your organisation to deliver effective and sustainable change. We specialise in working with public and third sector clients, and as a team of change specialists, we’re absolutely dedicated to creating change in public services!

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Is Change Management A Science Or Art Blog

Is change management an art or a science?

In the varied and diverse field of change management, change practitioners have a wide range of skills and responsibilities that drive organisations towards successful, sustainable change. From recent attendance at an event about Scientific Mindset in Organisational Change I was inspired by Alex Boulting to reflect on where our varied discipline sits on the dichotomy between art and science.

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Latest White Paper

Our Managing Director, Lucy Trueman, introduces our latest white paper, 'Lessons From Lockdown: Managing Change During the COVID-19 Crisis'

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