
Free help and advice during a time of radical change. Here you can find tools and resources to help you manage change including articles, videos, downloads and white papers.

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Our Resources

Clarity Panel

Change Chat - Be Clear on 'What Will Be Different': Generating Clarity to Drive Change

A real challenge in complex public sector organisations is building a change programme with absolute clarity over what will be different. Clarity over what’s important enables us to focus, rally resources and prioritise action, which means we can deliver change quicker. Join us and our speakers to reflect on: Why asking "what will be different?" is so important. How to use clarity to develop focus. The balance between clarity and uncertainty during change. How clarity builds courage.

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Be clear on ‘what will be different’: generating clarity to drive change

Welcome to Wooly Borough Council: the place to work, rest and play. Our corporate vision: brighter futures, connectivenessity, environments and happy streets. We aim to do better, be more and digitize everything. Over the next three years, we are going to build business resilience, supply sustainable solutions, net zero services and support vulnerable communities.

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Panel Humanity

Change Chat - Building a Sense of Purpose in Your Change Programmes: What is Your 'Why'?

In this panel discussion our speakers reflected on their experience of the role purpose has to play in change programmes. Our panel; Paul Masterman- Public Sector Interim Manager and Consultant Penny Strutton- Organisational Development Consultant Lyndsey Sims- CEO of Hyndburn Leisure and Hyndburn Hub Lead

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The Importance of Building a Sense of Purpose in Your Change Programme

In this video our MD, Lucy Trueman, discusses the importance of creating a sense of purpose around your change programmes and why 'Purpose' is the first step in our 'Trueman Change Way' methodology. It is absolutely imperative this step is addressed before any other if you are to have a successful change programme.

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Building a Sense of Purpose in your Change Programmes

There is no denying that the pandemic proved to us the importance of having a clear sense of purpose underpin all change activity. We saw incredible things happen at a pace thought unthinkable prior to the pandemic. Why? Because everyone knew what they were working for. The purpose behind what they were being asked to do was so clear and so unifying: keeping people safe.

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Evaluations RW

The Value In Evaluation

If we asked you to list everything you’ve done in the last 18 months could you do it? If we asked you how you managed to achieve in weeks what previously would have taken months, if not years, would you know?

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Capturing Successes Through Evaluation

During the COVID-19 Pandemic the pace of activity in Local Government was like nothing we’ve seen in the last 20 years. The public sector had to respond to emergency changes in so many ways for a wide variety of community needs, and action took place fast. Your job was literally about keeping people safe, and you did just that!

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Event Panel Twitter

Change Chat- Moving from Planning to Delivery: Making Change Happen

As we move out of the pandemic response and into recovery, more strategic change planning is taking place thanks to the lessons learnt in lockdown. We now know that we can make change happen at a pace previously not thought possible. But, what gets in the way? What slows change down? And, how do you make sure your change programme delivers the speed and results you want?

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Taking Action

Key Lessons on How to Take Action

In this video our MD, Lucy Trueman, offers her key lessons to learn in order to get away from the 'stickiness' that often occurs in change programmes and how to get stuff done instead.

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Taking Action Blog

How to Take Action so that Change is Both Possible and Positive

What we have experienced over the last 18–months is that the Covid-19 pandemic forced us to approach life differently. It impacted the way we socialised, exercised, worked, dealt with common problems. Life is still different, and we are still having to make changes, and these changes still need to happen quickly. One of the common issues that we have seen from the clients that we support is this ‘stickiness’ in the ability to progress with change, at pace, and they cannot put their finger on why that is.

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Three Key Lessons - How Can You Replicate COVID Change Successes?

In this video our MD, Lucy Trueman, offers her top tips on how to replicate the countless successes we have observed when it came to making change happen during the COVID-19 crisis.

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Change Chat - Moving from Response to Recovery: the Future of Local Government Change

Are you ready to lead your organisation into COVID recovery? Local government organisations across the country are looking strategically at the future recovery of their communities, services and organisations. We brought together an impressive panel of speakers to share their stories of change and how they planned to lead their organisations through their next phase, to meet financial pressures, increase service demand and new ways of working.

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Latest White Paper

Our Managing Director, Lucy Trueman, introduces our latest white paper, 'Lessons From Lockdown: Managing Change During the COVID-19 Crisis'

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