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Five top tips on taking action that we learnt from managing change during COVID

Pre-COVID, it was quite difficult to get traction and make things happen. COVID brought us together and change happened fast. Our White Paper on Managing Change During the COVID-19 crisis identified those pre-existing relationships with partnership bodies that were able to quickly marshal and share resources. In the absence of bureaucracy, plans, paperwork and service level agreements, people came together and worked to achieve shared aims and goals.

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The Human Side of Change

In the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, we saw organisations that were typically quite slow at change make it happen literally overnight. The public sector had to pivot and respond extremely quickly to unprecedented deviations to protect the vulnerable and they did it by using innovative approaches through cross-department and partnership collaboration: practices not seen in decades.

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How To Build A Team Without Conflict Blog Image

How do you build a team without conflict?

We’ve all been there: everyone comes to a meeting with their own agenda. Doing this can bring unintentional conflict between departments or partnership objectives. Everyone does it. We all hate it. Finance wants to talk about keeping tight budgets, Marketing will be leading with the ‘speculate to accumulate’ philosophy. Service Providers and Partners will have solutions already, but Communities will have other ideas as to what their priority areas are. The conflict is there before the meeting has begun. The result is silo working, a breakdown in communications and misaligned activities.

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Purpose Blog Cover 2

The importance of creating a sense of purpose in change programmes

There is no denying that the pandemic proved to us the importance of having a clear sense of purpose underpin all change activity. We saw incredible things happen at a pace thought unthinkable prior to the pandemic and why? Because everyone knew what they were working for. The purpose behind what they were being asked to do was so clear and so unifying, keeping people safe.

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Navigating Project Delivery Challenges

Navigating Project Delivery Challenges: Strategies for Success

Local Authorities play a crucial role in community development, driving positive change, and promoting well-being. The projects they undertake have a real impact on people's lives. However, successful project delivery comes with its own set of challenges...

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Building Effective Workforce Strategies

Building a workforce strategy that actually works

Behind any ambitious strategy, there needs to be an effective workforce strategy. To really help deliver change, this strategy needs two key elements - purpose and clarity. You need to really nail down ‘what exactly are we trying to achieve as an organisation?’, ‘why is this important?’’ and ‘how are we all going to do this?’. So if you’re struggling right now to deliver change, take a moment and ask yourself these two questions…

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How To Buy from Trueman Change

How to Buy from Trueman Change

Time is running out and you need to make decisions, take action fast and make sure you get the best consultants for your programme. For some of your larger, higher value projects you are likely to be required to procure services through a framework of approved/ appointed suppliers. We know this can seem like a complicated process so we’re going to make it simple for you, by guiding you through.

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Levelling Up Blog Co Production

Levelling up doing what it’s set out to do

The social challenges facing communities are complex! And now we’ve been given permission to connect with our local communities, and partner with them to help solve local problems. This is what we’ve been waiting for. Our sleeves are rolled up and we’re ready to start unpicking the complexities of our communities’ social challenges and to work with them to problem solve. Hallelujah!

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Digital Outcomes and Specialists 6 Announcement

Framework Announcement - Digital Outcomes and Specialists 6

Its never been easier to access our services!

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Delivering At Pace Blog Image

Delivering at pace is as easy as ABC... and D... and E...

The public sector isn’t known for it’s rapid delivery of, well, anything. This unfair perception was turned on its head during the pandemic when public services demonstrated what we can really do. We delivered financial support to businesses, food to residents, and we tested and traced millions of people. We did all this pretty flipping quickly.

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for blog

We often hear about co-production – it is often talked about, but less often done well.

Organisations often know that the idea of people shaping services is the path to long term change, but are not always sure how to go about it. They may try to adopt semi-collaborative approaches, but fall short of true co-production. Or they may even be too fearful to try at all!

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How are budget pressures affecting current project plans cover image

How are budget pressures impacting current project plans?

Recently, the Local Government Chronicle highlighted that “Top tier councils expect at least £1.7bn in additional budget pressures from spiralling inflation. London’s 32 boroughs are facing £400m of pressures on top of what was already planned for when budgets were set in April. Municipal authorities are looking at £570m and counties £729m totalling at least £1.7bn of additional costs in all".

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Latest White Paper

Our Managing Director, Lucy Trueman, introduces our latest white paper, 'Lessons From Lockdown: Managing Change During the COVID-19 Crisis'

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