
Free help and advice during a time of radical change. Here you can find tools and resources to help you manage change including articles, videos, downloads and white papers.

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Our Resources

Food 4 Thought 1

How Do You Ensure Your Services Improve As Part of Change Programmes?

In this video our MD, Lucy Trueman, offers her top tips on how to ensure service improvement occurs while engaging in change programmes.

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Food 4 Thought

How Do You Avoid Being A Local Government Change War Story?

In this video our MD, Lucy Trueman, discusses some things to consider when embarking on a change journey in order to ensure yours doesn't become one of the many change failures.

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3 Simple Tips

How Do We Move from Response to Recovery?

Our MD, Lucy Trueman, gives three simple tips on how to move your organisation from response to recovery following the pandemic.

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What Challenges

What Challenges are Local Government Grappling with Right Now?

In this video our Managing Director, Lucy Trueman, discusses the learning that can be taken from change management during the pandemic and looks to the future of change.

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The Trueman Change Way Thumbnail

The Trueman Change Way

Hear from our MD , Lucy Trueman, as she introduces the 'Trueman Change Way' our bespoke change methodology born of 18-months' worth of research gathered around how change was managed differently during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic and what we can learn from this going forward.

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The Impact Of COVID 19

Communications and Change Programmes

Communication is always crucial during times of change, even more so during a crisis. In this video, our Managing Director, Lucy Trueman, shares three top tips to help you improve your communication during change programmes.

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Change Journey

Beginning, Middle or End- Where is Your Organisation on its Change Journey?

We help clients in different ways depending on whether they're at the beginning, middle or end phase of their change journey. Find out what that means in this short video.

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Why Is Change So Slow

Why is Change So Slow?

In this video our MD, Lucy Trueman, addresses one of our clients' most burning questions, 'why is change so slow?' Watch now to hear Lucy's top three reasons why change happens slowly and what can be done to avoid them.

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White Paper Title Card

Lessons from Lockdown: Managing Change During the COVID-19 Crisis

Our Managing Director, Lucy Trueman, introduces our new white paper, 'Lessons From Lockdown: Managing Change During the COVID-19 Crisis'. It is drawn from discussions with leaders, managers, business people and politicians who have been directly involved in rapid change during the pandemic.

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Leadership In A Crisis

Change Chat - Leadership in a Crisis

In our series of Change Chats, we speak to experts to understand how they manage change in their organisations. Focusing on their experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic, we discuss if they have seen a change in leadership style. Have they changed their own style? What different leadership skills should we be developing going forward?

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Getting Stuff Done Quickly

Change Chat - Getting Stuff Done Quickly

In our series of Change Chats, we speak to experts to understand how they manage change in their organisations. Focusing on their experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic, we discuss how they managed to make change happen so fast. What barriers did they have and how did they remove them? Was there a change in behaviour/culture driving this? What’s changed all of a sudden?

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Remote Working

Change Chat - Remote Working

In our series of Change Chats, we speak to experts to understand how they manage change in their organisations. Focusing on their experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic, we discuss how they successfully drove the transition from office based to home based. What can we learn from this? Will the way people work change going forward?

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Latest White Paper

Our Managing Director, Lucy Trueman, introduces our latest white paper, 'Lessons From Lockdown: Managing Change During the COVID-19 Crisis'

Change Chats

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