
We love talking about public sector change! Join one of our free, online Change Chats to hear from a range of speakers, or see below which events we're involved in.

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The Psychology of Change

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12:00 - 13:00, 6th September 2024

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Via Zoom

What if we applied psychology to change management? 

Tools for delivering change tend to be dominated by project/programme management approaches and consultancy models, which certainly have their place,  but what if we applied research and understanding around organisational psychology to the way we deliver change? 

In this change chat our Founder and Organisational Psychologist Lucy Trueman will explore some core psychology concepts which researches use to describe behaviour in the workplace, and consider what this means for leaders going through change. We’ll cover theories about: 

  • Motivation 
  • Leadership 
  • Workplace Identity 
  • Culture 
  • Where change really happens 

This session is ideal for CEOs, Director and Heads of Service who are leading change in their organisations and want to put people at the heart. If you have a lot of change going on and want to be able to lead well, understand behaviour and change mindsets this session is for you! Also great for understanding your own brain and why you think/behave how you do during times of change. 

Here’s what you can expect: 

  • A 60 minute focused online conversation via zoom 
  • Hints and tips about how to apply psychological theory in real world situations 
  • An opportunity to ask questions and share your experiences with link minded professionals
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Past Events

The People Side of Change

July 2024

A phrase so often used, but what does it really mean? In a world dominated by project and programme methodologies what does it really look like to take a people driven approach?

Our research shows that whilst we need project and programme management to provide structure and assurance, we also need to engage people in the process. It’s becoming more and more common for change leaders to think about engagement, culture and co-production as part of the change journey.

In this change chat we’ll borrow from multiple disciplines to really think change through in a holistic way. We’ll discuss change management, HR/OD, psychology, leadership and project and programme management. We’ll cover:

  • The importance of understanding your culture when going through change, and how to leverage it
  • What good engagement looks like
  • Change leadership skill and why it matters
  • How to engage with middle managers to ensure the change really sticks
  • Why workforce strategies are crucial for successful change

This session is ideal for CEOs, Directors, change professionals and HR/OD colleagues involved in change, as well as communication professionals who want to better engage with communities and the workforce. If you need to take your staff on a change journey this session is for you! We will be sharing practical tips to help you ensure your change really makes the difference you need.

Getting it Done!

June 2024

Whilst we love geeking out on the psychology of change, and how to set yourself up to do it well, sometimes it’s a case of just getting it done! This is getting increasingly difficult for many organisations, as they face the drive to ‘do more with less’ and may have a reduced internal resource of project and change teams.

In this change chat we’ll be sharing some practical hints and tips on how to drive change when you need to focus on action with limited resource, including:

  • How to resource change well
  • The benefits and draw backs of centralised models such as PMOs
  • How to build a culture where people are empowered to take action
  • What skills and capability are needed for change and where to find them
  • How to access additional, flexible resource when needed

This session is ideal for CEOs, Directors and Heads of Service who are currently leading change programmes but struggling to get traction and need to deploy resources in the best way possible. It will also be helpful for those who run internal change and PMO teams. We will be sharing practical tips to help you move forward.

Communications and Engagement

April 2024

Communications and engagement - central to all change

Change comes in many forms within organisations. Creating a new strategy? Welcoming new political or officer leadership? Reviewing a service? All change, in its broadest form, is most likely to success if those impacted by in feel involved, heard and informed.  Do you have the capacity or capability to do that well? 

At Trueman Change we help set your change up for success. We add distinct value to your communications and engagement capacity by bringing you the expertise and creativity to identify and hear those who matter, gain advocates for your change and successfully achieve the outcomes you need.

Join our expert panel:

  • Lucy Trueman, founder of Trueman Change and expert in doing change well
  • Georgia Turner, our communications specialist

We'll reflect on:

  • Differing change scenarios and the role of communications and engagement 
  • Our experiences of applying communications and engagement to facilitate change in various organisations
  • How to cut through the 'noise' and reach those audiences you need to engage with most

This session is ideal for heads of service and directors who are looking for a critical friend to support on a communications review, or a senior Service Lead needing additional comms and engagement capacity and capability to support your change. Our MD Lucy Trueman as well as an experienced and expert panel will be sharing great tips and case studies from their work in a range of local authorities, to help you think about what changes you want to make in your service areas.

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